Say hello to the premier Birth audio program


GET ACCESS TO LATEST GUIDEd meditations to help train your brain for a positive and empowered pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience. 

Let's Get REal for a Sec

What do you want from your birth experience?

Do you want to feel present now and through your labor and birthing? Do you want to know how to work through the mental and physical challenges? Do you want to feel strong and empowered?

You might notice that all of these things require mental prep. How you feel about something and how you respond to it requires new habits of mind and beliefs that allow you to be your best self in this new journey. 

Learning about the birth process from your birth class, doula, books, etc are all incredibly helpful. This prepares your understanding of labor and birthing. However, what you BELIEVE about birthing and about yourself, your ability to birth, and whether or not you are safe to birth, has an equally big impact. As does how you prepare yourself to respond to new situations, especially something as new, unknown, and life changing as birthing.

The Calm + Confident Birth audio program helps train your brain to embrace labor and birthing and work through the sensations you'll experience. It also help your birth partner connect to you through the Partner Power track as well as release fears 
(Free + Clear of Fear) and ease into postpartum (Postpartum Journey).

To support your audio experience, you will also receive and e-book and 3 video lesson modules. These allow you to understand the how and why of mental prep for birth.

How you feel and what you believe matters. Prepare your mind now so you are free to labor and birth, able to embrace the moment, as you discover how amazing you truly are.

What you will get:

5 Guided Meditation Audios:

#1: Becoming (Pregnancy)

#2: Free + Clear of Fear

#3: Birthing Bliss (Birthing prep)

#4: Partner Power (for your birth partner)

#5: Postpartum Journey


An audio companion e-book

Bonus Video Lesson 



Why Audios?

You might be wondering if it's worth your time to listen to audios. How much can they help? 

These audios are created as a mini brain training that, through simply listening, helps you create new neural pathways to a positive and helpful way to work through the sensations and challenges of pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. These audios support your unconscious mind in creating helpful beliefs about your ability to birth, connect to your intuition, and learn how to work with (and not against) sensations and feeling. These things can't be learned through willpower, they are learned through experience and these audios can create that experience.


Are you getting excited yet?


Calm + Confident

My comprehensive e-guide to understanding the how and why of mental prep for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. This ebook is the conscious learning behind the unconscious power of the audio program. 


Let’s take a look at what’s inside:

How your body is made to birth

How to create a positive birth experience

In depth look at each audio and the tools it uses

Summary of breathing techniques


Not only will you have the powerful tools inside the audios, but really understand how and why they work. 



You can reach out to me for support in our community. Join for free for 7 days and get your questions answered.

I’m not holding back and I’m not keeping secrets; this is the real deal, designed to train your brain to stay in your calm + confident zone, allowing you to be your best now, in labor, and postpartum.

You’ll learn how to...

Stay out of fear and reaction and stay in a grounded and responsive state.


Learn how to work with fear and worry so that you are in the driver's seat.


Learn the 3 breathing techniques that will take you through labor and beyond.


Connect with and trust your intuition, which can never lead you astray.


Partner Power gives your birth partner the tools to connect to you, helping you have the birth experience you desire.


Allow your birth experience to be an amazing part of your sense of strength, growth, and confidence so that you can become a thriving parent.

Ok, so how can i access this program?

You are here because you understand that birthing is part of a huge journey and you want to be prepared to handle whatever comes your way, while learning and growing. This allows you to be your best, which allows your baby to be their best. These tools and this knowledge is life changing and worth so much more than $99. Right now, as a special offer, I'm selling this program for $64, which is a steal! My goal is to make this as affordable and accessible as possible so that you have the opportunity to realize your potential and embrace the amazing person that you truly are. Parents shape the future and it is through supporting one another that we can change the world for the better.  


Reg. $99

customer testimonials


The class brought me much more than what I expected, including a lot of peace around my pregnancy, a new frame of mind around childbirth in general and the confidence to have a natural birth.


My labor was both wonderful and intense and I feel very proud of myself. Without all the preparation from the class it would’ve been a very different experience.


The classes helped ease my pregnancy anxiety by helping build trust in my own body and what it was capable of. 


I'm dedicated to helping you be your best. I already know that you are amazing and that you are so much more capable than you know. It's my job to open your mind up to what's possible now, in birthing, and as a parent.

Seven years ago, I began to wonder why birth education hasn't evolved since Marie Mongan created HypnoBirthing in 1989. She was revolutionary and changed people's understanding of birthing. However, when we look at home much our world has changed since 1989, how much technology has changed, how much more knowledge we possess about the mind and body, why hadn't birth classes changed? In particular, I wanted to know why women's birth experiences hadn't improved in that time. I discovered that we weren't educating birthers on how to really prepare their minds to be able to adjust and respond to situations from a place of power, connection, intuition, and knowledge. Birthers were still responding to situations out of fear. I realized that we could change this and give people the tools that they need to trust themselves, their bodies, and their abilities to make good decisions. This comes from learning to be in the driver's seat of our minds, connecting to our own wisdom, our intuition, and learn that we truly are so much more than we think. This was the birth of Birth Evolved.


It’s time to thrive now, in labor, birthing, and postpartum.